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Unlike many larger Zoos; Tropiquaria occasionally takes in rescue animals. These animals may have been seized entering the country illegally, taken from owners on welfare grounds, or simply found after being abandoned. Whilst these animals are usually not of any conservation significance; they still receive the same care. We often display storyboard labels informing visitors of the background of the animal. This is an important educational tool in that it makes people aware of the difficulties of keeping exotic pets, the usual legality of importing them, and the specialist vetting care they need.


"Weston & Travis"
Brown Lemurs

Weston and Travis are our
White-Fronted Lemurs. They
are father and son, and were
rescued from an illegal animal
dealer who was trying to sell
them in Northern Ireland.
However, thanks to some great
undercover work and a sting
involving the USPCA,
(The Ulster Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals) and the Sunday Times
newspaper, these guys were rescued from the dealer and have come to live with us.

Sadly we have no knowledge of their history or where they have been, so we have no idea how or when the father, Weston lost his tail, but as you can see it doesn’t affect him much, and they both enjoy their spacious enclosure.

This enclosure could not have been built without the wonderful assistance of the students at Weston College, who built the dividing wall and play area, and the Williton branch of Travis Perkins who donated all the timber.

In recognition of the help given to us by our friends at Weston College and Travis Perkins, it was decided that we would name the lemurs after them. Hence the names “Weston” and Travis”


Blue & Gold Macaw

Olly was discovered in an abandoned pet shop in London by baliffs who had entered due to unpaid bills.They found a lot of animals still there, but no sign of any people. They fed and watered the animals and returned later with several animal welfare agencies. The story was covered in the local Camden Town newspaper.

Olly's beak has a slight deformity, something he was probably born with, which means as the beak grows the top and bottom sections do not align as they should, Because of this Olly has to have regular corrective surgery on his beak.

Whilst the deformity doesnt affect him eating, it does mean he cannot preen himself properly, and at times he can look a bit scruffy.

However recently he has been joined by another parrot "Dolly", and have became great friends (most of the time), and they can often be seen preening each other. 


Common Civet

Privet was discovered wandering the streets in the Midlands. After being captured by the authorities we were able to give him a permanent home at Tropiquaria.

Your guess is as good as ours as to how he ended up there, as his species are rarely seen in the exotic pet trade, and no licensed keeper or zoo reported him missing..


Spur Thighed Tortoise

During the Somerset Levels floods in February 2014, we received one of our more unusual telephone calls.

As their home was being inundated by the water, they had to evacuate themselves and all of their animals including Algernon the giant tortoise to a local pub, with the aid of a wheelbarrow and blankets.

It was clear that the family would be unable to return home anytime soon, so we were contacted in the hope we could look after him.

We were happy to help and Algernon now lives here at Tropiquaria with all his new friends.


Washford Cross
TA23 0QB


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 Phone : 01984 640688